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Luxating Patellae in Young Horses
with Gillian F Tabor: Reader in Veterinary Physiotherapy; ACPAT Chartered Physiotherapist
Luxating patellae – a common and manageable presentation in young horses
The Influence of Equine Surfaces on Performance
with Sarah Jane Hobbs: Professor of Equine and Human Locomotion
Our understanding of surfaces and their impact on the horse is growing with the development of explicit terminology, improved equipment to measure it, and more extensive research linking surface measurements with performance. This lecture will guide you through these developments, from London 2102 when the arena was constructed on a temporary platform to recent methods of measuring eventing cross-country turf.
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4 OCTOBER 2024
What's going on with Equine Protozoal Myeloencephalitis (EPM)?
with Frank Michael Andrews: DVM, MS, Diplomate ACVIM (LAIM), Board Certified in Equine Internal Medicine
We will discuss the EPM, including clinical signs, diagnostics, treatment, and physical therapy.
Techniques for Measuring and Understanding Equine Muscle Activation Patterns
with Lindsay St. George: PhD
Developing techniques for objectively measuring equine muscle activity is important for obtaining a comprehensive understanding of equine locomotion. Surface electromyography (sEMG) offers the only non-invasive technique for measuring equine muscle activation and this lecture will provide an overview of the use of sEMG in equine gait analysis, covering both clinical and sports performance applications.
Biomechanical Faults Impacting Equestrian Athletes' Equine Sport Performance
with Kirk Peck: PT, PhD, CSCS, CCRT, CERP
Equestrian sports require a variety of physical demands on both horse and rider. Competitive events such as dressage, eventing, and jumping all require precise dynamic body positions of the rider to maximize performance. Riders who acquire soft tissue or joint motion restrictions resulting from chronic postural maladaptations or physical injury often exhibit improper body movements leading to diminished sports performance. Additionally, the biomechanical limitations of the rider can also lead to faulty horse mechanics. Frequently encountered biomechanical rider faults will be highlighted with suggested treatment options.
Equine Vetrehabbers are challenged to treat a variety of different patients from high-level athletes, companion animals, foals, working horses and everything in between. To help you provide the best possible care to each and every patient you see, Onlinepethealth is dedicated to building a library of resources specific to equine rehabilitation, that will help you to continue to learn, grow and develop your skills at your convenience.
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