A Gift from Onlinepethealth
February is our Birthday Month and we have gifts for you!
Are you ready to celebrate our birthday with two brand new webinars?
For the month of February, we are excited to share two brand new webinars with you, presented by two of VAHLs best lecturers. By signing up to these webinars, you also stand a chance to WIN one of two VAHL textbooks, as well as an Onlinepethealth Membership!
The Power Of Muscles
with Rachel Cain: DVM, CCRP, CERP, CAC, CVA, ACVSMR
This webinar will delve into muscle structure, function, and anatomy, while highlighting their vital role in rehabilitation. Learn how to measure muscle function, apply targeted exercises effectively, and translate theory into practice through real-world case applications. Attendees will gain a clear understanding of the benefits of muscle-focused knowledge and the value of academic programs in advancing clinical practice.
Regenerative Rehabilitation of Equine Tendon and Ligament Injuries
with Steve Adair: MS, DVM, DACVS, DACVSMR, CERP
Regenerative rehabilitation is the integration of principles and approaches from rehabilitation and regenerative medicine with the ultimate goal of developing innovative and effective methods that promote the restoration of function through tissue regeneration and repair. Regenerative or Biologic Medicine encompasses both cellular and non-cellular therapies. This talk will discuss the incorporation of different rehabilitation techniques in different regenerative medicine methods.