For a long time, I have wanted to write about the stay apparatus, but it was not until recently that I finally found the inspiration to jump into this topic. I received an email, asking my thoughts on disproving the theory of the stay apparatus. The theory? I had not...
A Shift in Perspective From Mechanics to Tensegrity
In our latest equine webinar series, Dr Elizabeth Uhl and Dr Michelle Osborn deeply challenge our perceptions, perspectives and beliefs when it comes to how we evaluate our patients, develop treatment programmes, and understand pathology. I would like to share a few...
Putting a Number on Pain: Quantifying and Recognising Pain in Equine Rehabilitation
With research allowing us to identify specific pain behaviours, we can now use composite pain scales in equines to quantify and monitor pain in rehab patients.
The Role of the Tongue and Hyoid in Equine Movement
Have you found during your work that dysfunction or asymmetry in the jaw is reflected in the shoulder and again in the pelvis? That when the sacroiliac is out, so is the jaw? Today, we pick apart one anatomical aspect of this connection and reflect on how the tongue...
Tackling Arthrogenic Muscle Inhibition: A Vet Rehab Perspective
Arthrogenic muscle inhibition (AMI) occurs following a joint injury or orthopedic condition, and results in inhibited muscle function and activation. If left untreated, it can be a major limiting factor in the success of a rehabilitation programme.
Rolling Out Kinesiology Tape in Equine Sports Medicine and Rehabilitation
In a four-part webinar series with Dr Sybille Molle, we learnt some of the intricacies of using kinesiology tape in the field of Equine Sports Medicine and Rehabilitation. She dove into four specific areas where kinesiology tape can be used to improve outcomes and...
Overlooked Pathways of Communication: Equine Neuroplasticity and Neurodynamics
There are a variety of ways in which to address changes in the nervous system in response to injury as vet rehab and physiotherapists to achieve rehabilitation.
The Advantages of a Minimalist Vet Rehab Practice
In Podcast episode 153 with Francisco Maia from the K9PT, Francisco shares some of the many reasons and advantages, from a business, outcome, patient and client perspective, of minimising the number of modalities one works with in a practice, and how this has turned...
Why a Well-Deserved Break is Great for your Horse
It’s the festive season, and for many of our horses, that means a well-deserved break from competition and training schedules. And that, it turns out, is one of the best things you can do for your horse, and for your competitive riding career. Why Rest is...
Identifying Low Grade Pain and Lameness in Horses
What is normal for your horse? Is your horse grumpy, unwilling? Does he throw his head, pull back his ears, get tense? Does he kick or bite at you when you tighten the girth? And are you constantly struggling to get into competition, to perform consistently or just to...